Haj Mahmood J. Al Bunnia & Sons (HMBS)
The company emerged during the Ottoman Empire in 1910 by the trading business of Haj Mahmood Jassim Al Bunnia.
Haj Mahmood Al Bunnia first started by bartering goods and quickly became the main exporter of seeds, dates, beans, fruits, wool, and other commodities to several countries in the Middle East.
In the 1950s in order to meet market conditions and with the formation of the H. Mahmood J. Al Bunnia & Sons Company (HMBS), the operations expanded into the manufacturing of food stuffs and expanded trade to Europe and the United States. In the following decades as the socioeconomic environment became more dynamic, HMBS responded by vertically expanding its business lines to maintain indepen-dence and control to best serve its customers. Whenever HMBS faced a challenge or roadblock, the company looked within to overcome and succeed. This often required establish-ing new companies and competencies such as transportation. engineering, construction and other disciplines which quickly developed into significant enterprises within the HMBS portfo-lio. This intense goal-oriented focus remains a central part of the company’s fabric and serves as the main drive for HMBS’ vertical and horizontal integration.
Our Management A Family Enterprise
In the almost 100 years since the company was founded, HMBS has remained a family business that has gained, held, and strengthened market leadership positions through the family strategy of managing its business with a long-term, regional perspective.
Haj Abdul Wahab M. J. Al Bunnia
Haj Abdul Latif M. J. Al Bunnia
Haj Sa'doon M. J. Al Bunnia
Background & Philosophy
Al Bunnia Group principle was set by its founder Haj Mahmood J. Al Bunnia’s Strong slogan “success in business endeavors for the present life leads to success beyond life on earth.” This was translated into an intense work ethic and commitment to Al Bunnia Group’ customers and community. Moreover, Haj Mahmood Al Bunnia started a charity fund with one third of his personal equity in the company. To date, the fund has built a major public Baghdad mosque, hospitals, schools, and has initiated a scholarship that sponsors over a dozen students per year for school, university, and vocational studies.